Zeitronix ZT-2 Advanced Datalogging System

Zeitronix ZT-2 Advanced Datalogging System for nGauge Plug-n-Play Compatibility

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The ZT-2 Datalogging system gives nGauge users an affordable, easy to use, Plug-n-Play option for Advanced Datalogging. The ZT-2 allows users to log many sensors right on the device, including: wideband (Air/Fuel Ratio), Boost, fuel pressure, ethanol percentage, and many other 0-5V sensors. With the ZT-2 system, the user will have the ability to view any of these external sensors in real time on the Gauges screen of the nGauge, as well as record them in datalogs with the touch of a button. Installation takes just minutes by hooking up a 12V power and ground wire. Pleaes note the cable connecting ZT-2 to nGauge is sold separately. Supported Senors for Logging: Wideband (Air/Fuel Ratio) Boost/Vacuum Exhaust Gas Temperature Throttle Position Ethanol Percentage 0-5 Volt Sensors Air/Fluid Temperature Oil/Fuel Pressure Included Items: Wideband Oxygen Sensor Datalogging Controller Wiring Hardware Datalogging Software